最後想藉此機會感謝大地升學的柯小姐,她一直以來不厭其煩地為女兒解決問題,並一直與我們聯繫,直到現在準備選擇大學的重要時刻,成為我們的智慧參謀及可靠的後盾,陪伴在整個升學過程中的一份子,溫暖地陪我們渡過艱難時刻。 回想起當時我們沒有頭緒,以為在網站看看資料選了幾所學校,以為是最好的,當給擁有逾20年工作經驗的柯小姐一看,才知只是一些很一般的學校!幸好,我們真心相信專業分析及介紹,放心交託,結果就是讓人有出乎意料的滿意度。因此,我們要相信大地升學的專業及誠信服務,為孩子成就不一樣的未來。
學生姓名:Luo Yan Cheng
升學國家:英國 United Kingdom
報讀學校:MPW 課程:A Level ( Year 13)
升學顧問:Monique Or
所屬辦事處:荃灣 Tsuen Wan
我是一位不懂英文的媽媽,兒子一直在香港的國際學校讀書。在培養孩子這條路上,越來越感到力不從心了。曾經見過幾家留學中心顧問, 但遇到大地升學中心Cora 蘇小姐,真是我的福氣呀!記得第一次送11歲的兒子去英國學校,天黑了的士司機不識宿舍的路、香港那邊又已是深夜,但蘇小姐也接聽我的電話幫忙和司機溝通。學校、監護人許多電郵通告也是Cora幫我轉告、聯絡、通知,還幫我介紹同校高年級組的家長和我們的孩子同機飛行!她做的這一切都超越了本來的工作範圍,我真的很感動,非常感恩她的付出與努力!希望其他家長也和我一樣好運!
家長:Mrs Ma
學生姓名:Ma Kwok Kit Johnny
升學國家:英國 United Kingdom
報讀學校:Kingswood School
課程:Year 9
升學顧問:Cora So
所屬辦事處:灣仔 Wan Chai
正當我既擔心又無奈的時候,卻遇到「大地升學」的Cindy Lau,在她細心了解過兒子的情況後,她並沒有像其他顧問公司般游說兒子去其他收生門檻低的國家讀書,反而像漁翁撒網般把兒子的履歷寄去多倫多多間中學,在她鍥而不捨、努力不懈之下,為兒子安排了一間全多倫多最大兼且有二十多年歷史寄宿學校的入學試,最終獲得該學校取錄,我們一家都欣喜萬分!
家長:Mrs Lam
學生姓名:Tommy Lam
升學國家:加拿大 Canada
報讀學校:Columbia International College
升學顧問:Cindy Lau
所屬辦事處:旺角 Mong Kok
家長:Mrs Cheung
學生姓名:Chi Ming CHEUNG
升學國家:英國 United Kingdom
報讀學校:Warminster School
升學顧問:Aliz So
所屬辦事處:旺角 Mong Kok
Under the existing education policy in Hong Kong, I really want to arrange my sons to study aboard to acquire their professional qualifications. Remember that my older son would like to study Physiotherapy, you may aware that only the Hong Kong Polytechnic University offers this course with 130 quotas annually. In between not deciding to study in UK or Australia, Miss Gini CHUNG, the counselor provided concrete information for both countries, great effort to introduce both universities in UK and Australia for our consideration; she also kept close communication with the universities for conducting the interview, enrollment, arrival arrangement, etc.
Finally, my son selected to study Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy) in Curtin University in Perth. The study is very comprehensive and challenging, but he enjoyed a lot. I assure that it is because he could proceed his studies in his lovely subjects. On the other hand, my little son will start his study in Anglia Ruskin University, it was also the best way suggested by Gini, to study foundation course (BOptom (Hons) Optometry (extended)) in CRIC then proceed to ARU. As my son was studying Physics and Business, Accounting and Financial Studies in Form 4 and 5, if he still studies in HK, it is not possible for him to graduate as an Optometrist. Don’t worry, a good counselor could help you a lot and be brave enough to let your child growth.
家長:Cheng Wai Yee
升學顧問:Gini Chung
所屬辦事處:旺角 Mong Kok
報讀學校:Curtin Universtiy (澳洲)Anglia Ruskin University (英國)
Kevin is my 16-year-old boy who is currently studying at Wanganui Collegiate School in New Zealand from February this year. Miss Carol is his counselor who was staying close to us all along and assisting every single step to make this happen. Back in October last year, there was a UK Boarding school fair in Dadi Mong Kok office. Kevin and I were there for getting some information. Since we totally knew nothing about studying abroad at that moment, we definitely needed help. A young lady approached us and introduced herself with a friendly smile, and gave me her name card. That's her, Carol ! A month later, we visited Carol for asking her professional help. Because Kevin has just made up his mind to study abroad for his dream, being a movie director. She started looking for
appropriate schools for Kevin, and soon recommended us some nice schools from different countries.
When we decided Kevin 's final destination to New Zealand, after considering several facts, I realized that we didn't have much time. Because the school starts out in February. I felt nervous. Amazingly, Carol organized everything very well and tidy by an order like, applying the school, entrance exam, payment of school fee, body check, applying visa and even booking air tickets,.... in such a short period of time. Everything went well step by step. unfortunately I made Carol and her colleague, Mr Raymond did the exactly same procedure for applying visa twice. Thanks to them, everything was very smooth and well done. We could get the visa on time. I've asked her so many questions that I couldn't get it clearly. She replied me kindly as soon as she can, She solved all the problems for us. She is still doing so in every way. I feel so grateful !
Recently I met Carol in her office. Because Mrs Austin, International Director of Wanganui Collegiate School, visited Carol during her visit to HK in March. Carol kindly invited me, and I had an opportunity to meet Mrs Austin in person. She explained all the details about school with its pictures very nicely. I knew a lot about the school now. Furthermore Mrs Austin let me know about Kevin's school life, his performance and the comments from all of his subject teachers very generously. I was able to suppose how much she concerns about her students and their parents. Kevin has just made his first step forward to his dream, base on all Carol 's efforts. He's doing great there so far and quite enjoying himself together with great teachers and wonderful friends from all over the world.
Thanks a lot Carol, we couldn't make it without you! Thanks all of her colleagues, Mr. Raymond, Ms. Wan and Ms. Lee for their help. I hope you guys help out more and more students who want to study abroad just like Kevin. I appreciate it.
家長:Mrs Choi
學生姓名:Kevin Choi
升學顧問:Carol Ho
所屬辦事處:荃灣 Tsuen Wan
升學國家:紐西蘭 New Zealand
報讀學校:Wanganui Collegiate School
課程:Year 10
- 英國院校-Abbey DLD
- 英國院校-Bellerbys
- 英國院校-MPW
- 英國院校-Navitas
- 英國院校-Study Group – UK ISC
- 英國院校-Kaplan UK
- 英國院校-CATS College
- 英國院校-Wall Street
- 英國院校-Kings Education UK
- 澳洲院校-Navitas
- 澳洲院校-Study Group Taylors College
- 澳洲院校-University of Newcastle
- 澳洲院校-University of Adelaide College / Murdoch Institute of Technology
- 美國院校-Navitas
- 美國院校-Kings Education USA
- 新加坡院校 - SIM Global Education
- 院校實地探訪-TAFE WA
- 院校實地探訪-Canning College is in associated with UWA and Curtin University
- 院校實地探訪-Study Adelaide
- 院校實地探訪-Nottingham Trent University / Nottingham Trent International College
- 院校實地探訪-Navitas Group(Australia)
- 院校實地探訪-Griffith University
- 院校實地探訪-INTO US
- 院校實地探訪-University of Amsterdam
- 院校實地探訪-University of Western Australia
- 院校實地探訪-University of Adelaide and College
- 院校實地探訪-Murdoch University & Murdoch Institute of Technology
- 院校實地探訪-Le Cordon Bleu London
- 2017-2018 活動回顧